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Create new account

Be careful to enter a valid address allowing you to receive the email verifying your email address and used to activate your password after validation of your registration by an administrator.
This validation is generally done during the day, please check that the activation message is not in your “spam” or unwanted mailbox. In that case, please put Famiresol email address as "not-spam" or acceptable in your address book
The email address is never sent for public use. It is only if we need to contacted you about your account or if you have subscribed to notifications from Famiresol site.
For your username, please strictly use following format:
In order to be able to easily identify, all of users shall not use pseudonym. Please put your first name as username followed by your name and only the birth name for the person female. Since usernames are unique, there may be duplicates or more with the same first and last name. For solving this problem, add your birth year and month in the form YYMM.
Username format must therefore absolutely be: First name Last name YYMM
The only special characters allowed are space, hyphen (-) and apostrophe (').
Emile Martin 3908 (born August 1939)
Emile Martin 7504 (born April 1975)
Marie-Hélène d’Aprigny de l’Ouvroir 7904
Indicate your first names declared on the birth certificate at civil registration, separated by a comma and a space like the example shown:
Jean-Marie, Emile, André
Put your family name declared to civil registration, only birth name also for female person.
Not required but better for making the trombinoscope
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.


Contact settings
Allow other users to contact you via a personal contact form which keeps your email address hidden. Note that some privileged users such as site administrators are still able to contact you even if you choose to disable this feature.
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